Being an absolute admirer of Robyn’s natural talent as an artist, I was very excited when she used a few of my photo portraits as inspiration for her own artworks. We then collaborated over a number of sessions, where I photographed Robyn in various scenarios, specifically for her to recreate on canvas.
Portrait photography is my way of continuing the stimulus of my lifetime’s work as a photographer! I love people with strong features that give me as much opportunity to play with my light/s and create a defining moment - rather like a sculptor.
It’s like being on a stage! A sense of the theatrical!
In a word... Drama!
“When we were approached to participate in this project, we suddenly became aware of how much we have actually been working together already over the years without giving it too much thought. Only now, when making our small selection for this iseeyousee feature, did we realise the extent of our much larger collection of collaborative art and photography.
Divine intervention brought us together as collaborators.
We've known each other for over forty years and have been living together for twenty-five of them.”
- Gavin Furlonger & Robin Nissen
Photographic Portrait by Gavin Furlonger (@gavinfurlonger) of Gallery F (@furlongergallery)
Portrait Painting by Robyn Nissen (@robynnissen)
I’ve been a makeup artist for many years but it was whilst visiting a David Hockney exhibition in London, seven years ago, that I discovered my true passion - to paint.
Many of my paintings have been inspired by photographs shot by Gavin, in our home or at his studio.
As a makeup artist I enhance a subject’s natural features – a play of highlighting, contouring and disguising to work with the particular lighting situation.
On the other hand, when I paint I do the opposite – I strip away the superficial to reveal an internal expression of the subject. I always look for and try to capture a vulnerability in the subjects that I’m painting.
Photographic Portrait by Gavin Furlonger (@gavinfurlonger) of Gallery F (@furlongergallery)
Portrait Painting by Robyn Nissen (@robynnissen)